Secularism, progressive ideologies, political ineptitude and a godless immorality has accelerated the demise of an already weakening and dying European Union. It is the social, liberal policies that is creating a complete disorder to millions of hopleless residents. Open borders, the failure to understand Islam, the migration crisis, the rapid decline of Christianity and other […]
How Does the Chuch Reconcile 2 Opposing Worldviews?
A culture war is being fought today in the church as the Judeo-Christian values that have guided us for so many years have come under attack by a secular, humanist agenda. We are facing a cultural crisis that’s been created by forces who want to reshape the church and turn us away from the plain, […]
It’s Time to Drain the Hollywood Cesspool
We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg with the fallout of Hollywood film producer and movie executive Harvey Weinstein. Over 30 actresses, models, and personal assistants accuse him of a variety of sexual crimes that include harassment, assault and rape. More and more women from the movie industry are coming out almost every […]
Hugh Hefner’s Eulogy: “Vanity of Vanities; all is Vanity” Ecc. 1:2
The playboy of all playboys Hugh Hefner has died at age 91. He was the American icon who claimed to have slept with more than 2,000 beautiful women. He lived in the luxurious Playboy Mansion surrounded with hundreds of fake blonde models all pretending to be madly in love with him. Hugh Hefner was responsible for […]
A Generation Devoid of Integrity and Justice
How can we ever have any hope of attaining justice and equality in this nation when one NFL player is praised by the media for kneeling in protest during the singing of the National Anthem and another is condemned by the same media for kneeling in a demonstration of his faith in God? The mainstream […]
Acid Attack, Terrorism, Riots: Where is the Church?
We cannot ignore the wickedness that is engulfing our world as global catastrophes are occurring and civil unrest is escalating. In St. Louis rioters attacked police and reporters and destroy property as they protested a jury’s acquittal of a white policeman in the shooting death of a black man. In France, 4 young American girls were […]
Have God’s Delayed Judgments Finally Come?
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall […]
New Video Game: Kill the Fundamental Christians
Soon it will be open season for killing fundamental Christians according to a new video game called “Far Cry 5.” The game is being released by Ubisoft and tells the story of a gun-toting, militant, Bible-believing Christian community that is trying to take over Hope County, a fictitious location in Montana. Christians are being stereotyped […]
With or Without a Solar Eclipse, America lives in Darkness
“The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.” Proverbs 4:19. Today we saw the light from the sun become dark during the middle of the day. When the moon’s path collides with that of the suns’ the light becomes dark. So today, our nation is being swept into […]
Is the Terrorism in Europe the Beginning of God’s Judgments?
“So are the paths of all who forget God; And the hope of the godless will perish.” Job 8:13. God has had to watch with horror as Europe has descended into a godless, secular and immoral culture. The European Union, the legislative body for the European states, is leading the world in on-demand abortion, euthanasia, […]