A coordinated effort by the entertainment industry is being used to normalize the LGBT+ lifestyle among our young people today. The LGBT+ social-political agenda is targeting the minds of our young children through mainstream popular culture. They are hoping to recruit and convert the youth to embrace their movement and to vote for pro-LGBT+ policies. […]
Lawlessness and the End of Civilization
“And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” Matthew 24:10. “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12. Our nation is at a crossroad. Mass shootings, assaults, political strife, racial tensions, gang violence, anarchy, riots and lawlessness are bringing us to a […]
If it’s Evil Let’s Make it Legal
Welcome to the radical sexual revolution that is taking over America. Our nation is unraveling before our eyes. It is amazing to see the speed and degree of our moral fall. The American Psychological Association, the main professional organization of psychiatrists in the United States, is a government-affiliated organization that works to advocate for “federal policies and […]
The New Sexual Revolution: 1 Million New Sexually Transmitted Disease Cases Diagnosed Daily
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves … unholy … lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God… led away with divers lusts,” 2 Timothy 3:1, 2, 4, 6. Welcome to the new sexual morality as 1 million new cases of […]
Adventists in Europe Recommend a ‘Diversity and Cultural Summit’ for the World Church
After failing to persuade the church to vote “yes” on ordaining women into the ministry for the third time (in 2015), women’s ordination advocates are still refusing to move on and accept defeat. They are trying to persuade themselves and others that diversity and resistance is better than compliance. On Monday, May 20, 2019, the […]
New Training in Australia will make Schools ‘Non-binary’
Schools in Australia have declared war on “binary.” Radical professors and politicians really hate the idea of “binary” because it is taught in the word of God. Binary is the concept that there are only two sexes – male and female. And the proponents of the new sexual revolution have declared an all-out assault against […]
The Devil of Diversity
By Danny Bell “Tell me what the world is saying today, and I’ll tell you what the church will be saying in 7 years”. – Francis Schaeffer The Left When I first moved to Tasmania in 2013, I inquisitively attended a protest on the streets of Hobart organised by a patriot group Reclaim Australia. They […]
Roman Catholics in Germany are Changing the teachings on Sexual Morality
“And think to change times and laws.” Daniel 7:25. Not only has man attempted to change the Sabbath, but now they want to change the teachings on sexual morality. Cardinal Marx has announced that the German Catholic Church will “revise” its teachings on sexual morality. The German Episcopal Conference, the highest ecclesiastical assembly in Germany, […]
49 Killed as Houses of Worship Become Targets for Terror
First it was the shooting massacres at Christian churches in Charleston, SC and Sutherland Springs, TX. Then there was the massacre at a Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Now 49 people were murdered in two Muslim Mosques in the worst ever peacetime killing in New Zealand. [1] It doesn’t matter what faith you profess to […]
The World’s Coming Judgment – Why do Civilizations End?
Last week BBC News published an article entitled “Are We on the Road to Civilization Collapse?” Some of the facts and history that they bring out is very revealing. They chronicle how the great empires of the past rose to power and eventually fell. The article concludes by declaring that our modern society is also […]
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